Bertrand COHEN-SABBAN is a member of both Paris and Luxembourg Bar Associations.
After obtaining a DEA post-graduate diploma in Employment Law from the University of Paris II – Panthéon-Assas, Bertrand COHEN-SABBAN worked as a legal advisor specialising in employment law within the Human Resources Department of Microsoft France. He has also worked as a lecturer (employment law –University of Paris XIII) and tutor (civil law– University of Paris II – Panthéon-Assas and Paris XI Sceaux) before taking the oath in 2008.
Prior to setting up the law firm, Bertrand COHEN-SABBAN worked within two Luxembourgish specialist litigation offices while developing his networks and activities in France.
Bertrand COHEN-SABBAN has served as an ad-hoc judge in disputes arising from the assessment of staff members of a European Institution (European Investment Bank).
When defending the interests of his clients, Bertrand COHEN-SABBAN, brings to the table the values he has developed through playing rugby from an early age: loyalty, tenacity and integrity.
Bertrand COHEN-SABBAN is fluent in both French and English.